
Winter2008: Courses

Courses Winter 2009:
Probability and Statistics - Section 2 (taught by Emilie Richer)

Calculus I 201-NYA, S06 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Functions and Trigonometry 009, S02 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)

Calculus II 203-DW, Section 04 (taught by James Requeima)
Linear Algebra 105-DW, Section 04 (taught by James Requeima)
Linear Algebra 105-DW, Section 05 (taught by James Requeima)
Business Mathematics Group 12 (taught by James Requeima)
Business Mathematics Group 13 (taught by James Requeima)

Courses Fall 2008:
Business Mathematics 914-DW, S02 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Business Mathematics 914-DW, S03 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Functions and Trigonometry 009, S01 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Functions and Trigonometry 009, C02 (taught by Yann Lamontagne)

Calculus I - 103DW - Section 3 (taught by Emilie Richer)
Calculus I - 103DW - Section 4 (taught by Emilie Richer)
Math Models I - Electrotechnology (taught by Emilie Richer)

Algebra 007, 03 (taught by James Requeima)
Algebra 007, C1 (taught by James Requeima)
Algebra 007, C2 (taught by James Requeima)
Business Mathematics (taught by James Requeima)
Calculus 1 NYA, C3 (taught by James Requeima)

Courses Summer 2008:
MATH 133 - McGill University (taught by Emilie Richer)
Linear Algebra - S1 (taught by Emilie Richer)
Linear Algebra - S2 (taught by Emilie Richer)
Calculus II, S1 (2:00pm-5:30pm) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Calculus II, S2 (6:00pm-9:30pm) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)

Courses Winter 2008:
Calculus I C2 (taught by Emilie Richer)
Calculus I C3, Saturday (taught by Emilie Richer)
Business Mathematics (Group 9) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Functions and Trigonometry (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Calculus II (ContEd class) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Calculus II C16 (Day class) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)
Business Mathematics Group 10 (Group 10) (taught by Yann Lamontagne)

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Page last modified on April 03, 2009, at 02:11 AM EST