
Winter2009: ProbabilityAndStatisticsBZS-Section2

Probability and Statistics (BZS-201-05) SECTION 2
Dawson College, Winter 2008
Taught by Emilie Richer


Your final exams have been marked. I have posted the results.

KEEP IN MIND I HAVE NOT YET COMPUTED YOUR FINAL MARKS, THE MARKS THAT YOU SEE ON YOUR FILE ARE NOT NECESSARILY YOUR FINAL MARKS. This is especially the case if you have missed a test during the school year, in this case, the weight of your test is transferred to the final exam.

I will be in my office this upcoming week (Tuesday May 19th - Friday May 22nd), you can pop by to take a look at your final exam if you wish.

Thank you all for a lovely semester, it was a real pleasure. Good luck in all your future studies and don't forget to send me an e-mail if ever you need a reference letter or some help on your homework!


1- OFFICE HOURS this Thursday and Friday during regular class times.

Final Exam Office Hours
Thursday May 7th 8:30am - 11:30am
Friday May 8th 8am - 10am
Tuesday May 12th 8:30am - 11:30am
Thursday May 14th 8:30am - 11:30am

2- Here is the sheet on Probability Density Functions. You should do the exercises as practice for the exam.

3- Chi-Square Exercises:
p.130 # 1b, 2b, 3-14
p.136 #1-20

4- Here is the link to OLD FINAL EXAMS (MATH BZS)

5- Here is the EXAM FORMULA SHEET, you will not have to bring it to the final exam. It will be provided.

(Thursday April 30th) Here is the EXAM FORMULA SHEET, PRINT IT FOR TEST 4

(Tuesday April 21st) LAST QUIZ THIS WEEK Your quiz on Friday will be about the beta value in hypothesis testing. That is, type II errors. The material is in your class notes.

(Monday April 20th) TEST 4 MATERIAL
p.81 #1-8
p.86 # 1-22
p.92 #1-25
p.98 #1-17
p.103 #1-8
p.108 #1-9 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.112 #1-22 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.122 #1-12 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)

(Thursday April 16th) Here are some homework exercises that you can start working on for the next test! (Don't forget that we have DIFFERENT procedures for when to use the t-value vs. the z-value) Also, the hypothesis testing uses different conventions, so USE MY CLASS NOTES
p.81 #1-8
p.86 # 1-22
p.92 #1-25
p.98 #1-17
p.103 #1-8
p.108 #1-9 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.112 #1-22 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.122 #1-12 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)

(Friday April 3rd) Next week TUESDAY is on a FRIDAY SCHEDULE! That means we are meeting for 2 hours!!! Hooray!

(Thursday April 2nd) I updated the formula sheet below to include the hypergeometric and the Poisson distributions

(Wednesday April 1st) Here is your formula sheet for the Test 3, if you think something is missing let me know by e-mail: TEST 3 Formulas

(Wednesday April 1st) I have made some corrections to the answers on the practise sheet, if you download it now, the corrections are there. Also, for question 7, I wanted you to use Poisson distribution to approximate, although normal distribution is just as good if I don't specify (the answers reflect use of Poisson distribution).

(Monday March 30th) Here are some extra problems with answers for TEST 3:
TEST 3 Practise Questions

(Thursday March 26th) TEST 3 is coming up next week, on APRIL 3rd.
Here are the topics that will be covered:

Random variables
Probability distributions
Mean and variance of discrete probability distribution
Binominal probability distribution
Poisson distribution
Poisson approximation of binomial distribution
Hypergeometric distribution
Binomial approximation of hypergeometric distribution
Normal Distribution
Normal approximation of binomial distribution
Sampling Distribution of sample mean
Central Limit Theorem
Point estimators and confidence interval estimates for population mean

Corresponding homework exercises are listed below, but I will also be preparing an extra sheet of problems for you to work on. Remember that some subjects such as Poisson distribution are not covered in the exercises, so you must look through your notes and assignments for exercises.

p.43 #1-23 (note that there is a lot of repetition in these 23 exercises)
p.50 #1-14
p.69 #1-24 (Notation: N(x, a, b) means normal distribution with random variable x, mean a and standard deviation b)
p.75 #1-8

(Thursday March 5th) For those of you writing Test 2 on March 6th, don't forget that we have our make up class time on Monday March 9th from 1pm-2pm

(Tuesday March 3rd) Remember ALL TESTS ARE IN ROOM 4.C.1. I have prepared a formula sheet for Test 2, let me know ASAP if there are formulas that I missed:
Test 2 Formula Sheet

(Tuesday March 3rd) I have marked your assignment 3, you can come pick it up in my office anytime or get it on Thursday. The solutions are posted below, along with solutions to assignment 2.

(Sunday March 1st) Here are the TEST 2 Practise Questions. Note, some of them are rather difficult, so come see me if you are having trouble or if you want me to tell you if you have the correct solution.

(Friday Feb 27th) Hi everyone, as you can see from the in class assignment today, you have to practice probability questions! Because no two are exactly the same! There are some exercises in the green book, but I will also be posting an problem sheet here for you to practice too! Don't worry if it takes you a while, once you start getting the hang of it, it will be easier. Here are the two test dates, your student number should be listed under the date that you signed up for. If you did not sign up, you are automatically writing on the scheduled test day (Friday March 6th):

TEST 2 (Friday March 6th 2009, 8am-10am)

A734683, A534036, A732297, A730619, A735613, A732074, A630330, A730697, A730774, A736258
TEST 2 (Friday March 13th, 8am-10am)

A733133, A635845, A733309, A635830, A810202, A731561, A634708, A811012, A731140, A736582, A732480, A732923, A737022, A733842, A733122, A730944, A734109, A632202, A732811, A710384, A733709, A730506, A734675, A734340, A733706, A732885, A732213, A630044, A633832, A734422
(Tuesday Feb 24th) I have posted some HOMEWORK EXERCISES for probability below.

(Monday Feb 16th) Test 1 is marked and grades are posted, solutions will be posted below. WARNING: MATERIAL WILL BE GETTING HARDER!!!.

(Tuesday Feb 8th) Here are the EQUATIONS FOR TEST 1. They will be attached to your test on Friday. IMPORTANT: TEST 1 WILL BE HELD IN THE AUDITORIUM, ROOM 4.C.1, Friday Feb 13th 8am-9:30am

(Thursday Feb 5th)
QUIZ 2 tomorrow Friday Feb 6th. Quiz 2 will mostly cover this weeks material regarding ungrouped and grouped frequency tables. Do you know the difference between class limits, class boundaries and class marks? and can you find one from the other? If not then learn now! Do you know how to estimate mean and standard deviation from a grouped or ungrouped frequency table? Again, you should know for tomorrow!

(Tuesday Feb 3rd)
TEST 1 is next Friday Feb 13th. Test 1 will cover all of descriptive statistics. I have added some suggested homework exercises below from the exercise manual, this will help you study for the test.

(Tuesday Jan 27th)
QUIZ 1 will be this Friday Jan 29th. It will cover material seen in class up to Thursday Jan 28th. Make sure you have mastered your calculator!

(Thursday Jan 22nd)
ASSIGNMENT 1 is ready (scroll down to assignment - homework section) and due tomorrow! Remember there is one assignment or pop quiz EVERY week (other than weeks where a test is scheduled)
(Monday Jan. 19th) Welcome Back! Make sure to check this website often for news about this course.''

Tuesdays, 8:30am - 10:00am, room 4H.17
Thursdays, 8:30am - 10:00am, room 4H.6
Fridays, 8:00am - 10am, room 5A.2

(Held either in my office 7B.13 or in the math tutorial room 7B.1)
Tuesdays 10:30am - 12pm
Thursdays 10:30am - 12pm

Here is a list of the homework that you should do in order to prepare you for upcoming evaluations.
p.81 #1-8
p.86 # 1-22
p.92 #1-25
p.98 #1-17
p.103 #1-8
p.108 #1-9 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.112 #1-22 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)
p.122 #1-12 (Don't forget to use method taught IN CLASS)

p.43 #1-23 (note that there is a lot of repetition in these exercises)
p.50 #1-14
p.69 #1-24 (Notation: N(x, a, b) means normal distribution with random variable x, mean a and standard deviation b)
p.75 #1-8

p.36 #1-30

p.12 #1-23
p.20 #1-10

ASSIGNMENT 1(Due Fri Jan 23rd) Find the instruction manual for your calculator (you can probably find it online). Figure out how to put your calculator in STAT MODE and how to store data sets.

Assignment 5 solutions
Assignment 4 solutions
Assignment 3 solutions
Assignment 2 solutions
Test 4 solutions
Test 3 solutions
Test 2-V2 solutions
Test 2-V1 solutions
Test 1 solutions
Quiz 4 solutions
Quiz 2 solutions
Quiz 1-V1 solutions
Quiz 1-V2 solutions
Standard Normal Distribution Table
Chi-Square Distribution Table

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Page last modified on May 19, 2009, at 02:50 AM EST