
Winter2017: StatisticsForSocialScience-401-DW

Statistics for Social Science (201-401-DW)

Dawson College, Winter 2017
Taught by Emilie Richer

Downloadable Stuff
Emilie Richer's Schedule Winter 2017
General Course Outline (part I of II)
Teacher's Supplement to Course Outline (part II of II)
Official class textbook: George McArthur's Statistics
Alternate textbook: Open Intro Statistics
Standard Normal Probabilities Table
Student's t-table

Solutions to Assignment 1
Solutions to Assignment 2
Solutions to Assignment 3
Solutions to Test 2
Solutions to Test 1
Solutions to Quiz 8
Solutions to Quiz 7
Solutions to Quiz 6
Solutions to Quiz 5
Solutions to Quiz 4
Solutions to Quiz 3
Solutions to Quiz 2
Solutions to Quiz 1

4 MAY 2017 announcements:
Here are some Practice Exercises for Test 3

1 MAY 2017 announcements:
Here is the Corrected Assignment 3 due Wednesday May 3rd at 8:30am. Corrections are highlighted in yellow.

27 APRIL 2017 announcements:
Here is Assignment 3 due Wednesday May 3rd at 8:30am. To date, you should be able to answer every question except #2, which you will learn how to do on Monday.

30 MARCH 2017 (Lectures 9.1 & 9.2) announcements:
Test #2 is next Wednesday April 5th, it will cover all material from weeks 6 to 9 inclusively.
Material covered in class:

22 MARCH 2017 (Lecture 8.2) announcements:
Material covered in class:

20 MARCH 2017 (Lecture 8.1) announcements:
Material covered in class:

8 MARCH 2017 announcements:
Here is Assignment 2 due Wednesday March 29 at 8:30am. To date, you should be able to answer questions 1-4, the rest of the material will be covered after the break.

8 March 2017 (Lectures 7.1 & 7.2) announcements:
Material covered in class:

1 March 2017 (Lectures 6.1 & 6.2) announcements:
Material covered in class:

15 FEBRUARY 2017 (Lectures 4.1 & 4.2) announcements:
Material covered in class:

8 FEBRUARY 2017 (Lecture 3.2) announcements:
Material covered in class:

6 FEBRUARY 2017 announcements:
Here is Assignment 1 due Wednesday February 15 at 8:30am.

6 FEBRUARY 2017 (Lecture 3.1) announcements:
QUIZ 3 is this Wednesday! It will cover all class material related to probability covered to date (including today's lecture).

Material covered in class:

1 FEBRUARY 2017 (Lecture 2.2) announcements:
Solutions to today's Quiz 2 have been posted above in the "solutions" section.

Material covered in class:

30 JANUARY 2017 (Lecture 2.1) announcements:
QUIZ 2 is this Wednesday! It will cover all material covered to date, excluding what was covered in today's class (intro to probability).

Material covered in class:

25 JANUARY 2017 (Lecture 1.2) announcements:
Solutions to today's quiz have been posted above in the "solutions" section. For those students who did not get full marks on question 1 (using the calculator to compute the mean and standard deviation), you can earn back up to half of the marks by demonstrating the calculations to me after class on Monday. So, you all have 4 more days to learn how to use your calculator!

Material covered in class:

23 JANUARY 2017 (Lecture 1.1) announcements:
QUIZ 1 is on Wednesday! It will cover means, medians, variance and standard deviation. You should know how to compute these things using your calculator.

Material covered in class:

18 JANUARY 2017 announcements:
Please bring your calculator to next Monday's class. If you do not have the recommended calculator (Sharp EL-531XG, available at the Dawson Bookstore) please bring along your calculator model's instruction manual (which you can find easily online).

Material covered in class:

10 JANUARY 2017 announcements:
Welcome to your Statistics Class! You will find all material related to the course on this website, including a PDF version of your textbook, a reference textbook, solutions to your tests and quizzes and a summary of what was covered in class. Please check the website every few days to keep abreast of what's happening in the class.

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Page last modified on May 08, 2017, at 02:27 PM EST