Dawson College: Calculus I C2: Winter 2008
taught by Emilie Richer
- THE FINAL EXAM IS THURSDAY MAY 15th 6:30p.m.-9:30p.m. IN ROOM 1.H.6 (GYM). You are required to bring your Dawson College student ID. Students may obtain their I.D. card (no charge) by presenting proof of registration and a personal photo I.D. (e.g. driver’s license, medicare card) at Security, room 2E.14, Mon.-Fri. until 3:00pm, or at the Audio Visual counter, room 2E.01, Mon.-Thurs. 4:00pm-6:30pm.
Wed. May 14th 11:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Thur. May 15th OFFICE HOURS CANCELLED (Rescheduled to Wednesday May 14th).
- 02/05/08
- TEST 3 is corrected and your current marks (including all bonus work) are posted online. Solutions to TEST 3 are posted below
- 24/04/08
- TEST 3 is next Thursday (May 1st), it will cover sections 5.5, 5.6, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 4.1.
- 19/04/08
- A reminder that you need a Dawson PHOTO ID CARD in order to write your final exam. You get it from security or the copy centre on the second floor, you need proof of registration and photo id to get it.
- 16/04/08
- Here is the link to the final exams from previous years, you should be looking at the NYA Science exams : final exams (previous years)
- 14/04/08
- The FINAL EXAM is scheduled for Thursday May 15th 6:30-9:30p.m. It will be held in room 1.H.6 (the gym).
- 06/04/08
- The solutions to Test 2 are posted, if you downloaded them before today, there were a few mistakes in them, they have since been corrected.
- 04/04/08
- I have updated all your marks online, you can now check out your current mark in the class. (But your Test 2 marks are not included yet (because they aren't corrected yet).
- 04/04/08
- Check out Academic Calendar for the date of your final exam. YOU are responsible for knowing where and when it is taking place.
Problem Sheet Solutions:
Test and Quiz Solutions: