
Fall2009: BusinessStatistics-Section2

Business Statistics
(201-934-DW) Section 2
Dawson College, Fall 2009
Taught by Emilie Richer

Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 5:30pm, room 5A.12
Wednesdays, 4:00pm - 6:00pm, room 4A.4
Fridays, 4:00pm - 5:30pm, room 3G.2
Tuesdays 1:00pm - 4pm in 7.B.1 Tutorial Room
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:30pm in 7.B.13
Thursdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm in 7.B.13

(WEEK 1)
Hand out course outlines, Introduction to probability (Sections 4.1 & 4.2 p.205 - 223)

(WEEK 2)
Probability, Venn diagrams, Unions and Intersections, Rules of Probability, Mutually Exclusive Events (Sections 4.4 & 4.5 p.229 - 242)
Exercises (you should now be able to do):
Section 4.2 p.217 # 4.10 - 4.19 & # 4.22 - 4.28
Section 4.4 p.234 # 4.60 - 4.77
Section 4.5 p.240 # 4.87 - 4.95

(WEEK 3)
Conditional probability, Independent Events, Tree diagrams, Using Several Probability Rules (Sections 4.6 & 4.7 p.243 - 256)
Exercises (you should now be able to do):
Section 4.6 p.247 # 4.101, 4.103, 4.105, 4.107, 4.109, 4.111, 4.113, 4.119, 4.121
Section 4.7 p.256 # 4.127, 4.129, 4.130, 4.131, 4.132

(WEEK 4)
Introduction to Descriptive Statistics (Section 2.2 p.40 - 55 & Section 2.4 p.73 - 84)
Measures of Position (Section 2.6 p.92 - 106)
Exercises (you should now be able to do):
Section 2.2 p.55 #2.27 & 2.28
Section 2.6 p.103 #2.106 - 2.110

(WEEK 5)
Measures of Dispersion (Section 2.5 p.84 - 92)
Exercises (you should now be able to do):
Section 2.5 p.91 #2.90 - 2.94 & 2.100
Section 2.6 p.105 #2.119 - 2.124 & 2.126 - 2.128
Section 2.7 p.106 #2.133, 2.135, 2.141, 2.143 a)-e)

(WEEK 6)
Ungrouped frequency tables
Review for Test 1
TEST 1 (Probability & Descriptive Statistics)

(WEEK 7)
Grouped frequency tables (Section 2.3 p.55-73)
Exercises:Do the bonus assignment (solutions posted below)
Intro to Linear Regression and Correlation

(WEEK 8)
Linear Regression and Correlation (Chapter 3 p.146-199)
Exercises: Bonus Exercise handed out in class & p.194 #3.89, 3.99, 3.100

(WEEK 9)
Binomial Probability Distribution (Section 5.5 p. 284-299)
Exercises: p.295 #5.57, 5.61, 5.67, 5.69, 5.71
Standard Normal Probability Distribution (Section 6.3 p.316-3.23 )
Exercises: Bonus Exercise handed out in class & p.321 #6.18, 6.19, 6.21, 6.23, 6.25, 6.27, 6.29, 6.31, 6.35

(Week 10)
Working with the Standard Normal Distribution Table (completing bonus assignment)
Applications of the Normal Distribution (Section 6.4 p.323-338)
Exercises: p.332 #6.41, 6.43, 6.47, 6.49, 6.57, 6.59, 6.61
Normal Approximation of the Binomial (Section 6.6 p.343-349)
Exercises: p.347 #6.85, 6.89, 6.91, 6.93, 6.95

(Week 11)
Central Limit Theorem & Sampling Distributions (Sections 7.2 to 7.4 p.363 - 393)
Exercises: p.366 Read & understand Figure 7.5
p.367 #7.7(a)(c), p.375 #7.21, 7.23
p.380 #7.29, 7.33(d)(e)(f), 7.37, 7.41

(Week 12)
Review for Test 2

(Week 13) Confidence Intervals (Section 8.3 p.403-416)
Exercises p.412 #8.21, 8.23, 8.25, 8.27, 8.33, 8.39, 8.47, 8.49
Hypothesis Test of Mean Classical Approach (Section 8.6 p.444-460)
Exercises p.456 #8.125, 8.135, 8.137. 8.149, 8.151
Inferences about the Mean (Section 9.2 p.474-496)
Exercises p.489 #9.21, 9.23, 9.33, 9.35, 9.47b, 9.49b, 9.55b
The p-value Approach for Hypothesis Testing (Section 8.5 p.426-439)
Exercises p.439 #8.83, 8.103, 8.107, 8.115 (use p-value approach), 8.117 (use p-value approach)

(Week 14)
Inferences about proportion
Exercises: See bonus assignments, assignment 2, class examples
Inferences regarding two populations p.564 - 580
Exercises p.573 #10.48, 10.50bde, 10.51, 10.52, 10.66, 10.71b
Also see bonus assignments, assignment 2 & class examples

(Week 15)
Inferences regarding two populations p.564 - 580
Exercises p.573 #10.48, 10.50bde, 10.51, 10.52, 10.66, 10.71b
Also see bonus assignments, assignment 2 & class examples
Bonus Assignment 5
Review for Test 3
Quiz 3

Course Outline
Assignment 1
Assignment 1 Solutions *my answer for question 4.142 (e) is wrong
Quiz 1 Solutions
Test 1 Version 1 Solutions
Test 1 Version 2 Solutions
Bonus Assignment *Do not do #2.32
Bonus Assignment Solutions
Bonus (Regression and Correlation) Solutions
Bonus (Standard Normal Table) Solutions
Quiz 2 Solutions
Test 2 Solutions
Assignment 2* Due Friday December 4th
PLEASE NOTE: For Question 4 of the second assignment, s =1.2
Bonus (Hypothesis Testing) Solutions
Bonus (Hypothesis Testing & Confidence Intervals) Solutions
Bonus (Hypothesis Testing & Confidence Intervals For TWO Populations) Solutions
The t-table
Assignment 2 Solutions
Quiz 3 Solutions
Summaries of Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

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